Andrew is based part-time in the Statistics Department at the University of Auckland, where he teaches in courses on survey methods, official statistics and statistical literacy. Andrew works primarily in his own businesses working in applied statistics in New Zealand, Australia and Pacific countries. With over two decades experience developing initiatives in social and health research as well as Māori research workforce development, most of his recent work has involved official statistics research in the public, private and academic sectors. Andrew has been involved with official data innovations since 1998, including PRIMHD (national mental health data integration), Family and Whānau Wellbeing Census Data Project, NZ Census Mortality Study, Māori Mortality study, Virtual Health Information Network and applications of the longitudinal census database. Previous research roles have included being a member of University’s Human Subjects Ethics Committee in the early 1990s following the Cartwright Inquiry, followed by several years as the inaugural Māori health research manager at the Health Research Council of New Zealand - the New Zealand government’s health research funding organisation. Andrew’s statistical training is through epidemiology - including advanced post-graduate courses in genetic and epigenetic epidemiology.
Australasian Epidemiological Assocation Moana-Pasifika chapter — Founding member
Ministry of Pacific Peoples: Long-Term Insights Briefing — Steering group
National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA): Closing the Gaps Modelling Project — Steering Committee
StatsNZ: 2023 Census Coverage (Post-enumeration Survey) — Quality Assurance Panel
StatsNZ: Integrated Data — Cross-agency working group
Workforce Development Council/Regional Skills Leadership Groups Shared Data Platform — Steering Group